
Reubendaniel Joy

Mar 7, 2024

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One of the most unrealistic fantasy that is prevalent among poor minded, unproductive ladies is the belief that fate or probably divine providence will somehow or someday bring them into marriage with a rich, productive and sophisticated man.
All such ladies do is to fold their hands and pray to God to bring them around the rich or at best they give attention to their looks, believing it will fetch them that kind of man.
Yet the sad reality is that rich, productive men do not mingle with poor, unproductive and naive women.
I do not know when ladies will realize that in life there is something called "CLASS" and no matter how they want to shy away from it, the truth still remains that people marry their class.
Every rich, productive and sophisticated man will always want to settle down with a lady that shares the same values. Infact, such men would always go for a lady that her worth would be an addition to his not a liability.
Dear lady, the easiest way to get the qualities you desire in a man is to build it in yourself because you attract who you are. If you want a rich, productive and sophisticated man then become rich, productive and sophisticated and be rest assured your desires will be met. The sad Truth remains that the rich marries the rich and the poor marries the poor.

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