
Reubendaniel Joy

Feb 29, 2024

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Amanda was busy completing her note in the class when a folded piece landed on her head. In anger she turned and gazed steadily to know who threw it at her. Every face she saw looked suspicious. She decided to let that one slide. Before She turned, in a second, another rolled paper hit her again. This time, she would not be letting go as she screamed “who threw this on me” raising up the rolled paper for the all to see. Everyone pretended to mind their business and faded her question . She asked again, no one responded. “I know, it’s you Johnson, you this big head” she fished him out. Johnson gave her a mocking smile from the second row of the classroom. At first, he denied he was the one. As Amanda pressed on, he finally admitted. Ikenna Johnson, a good looking student of SS2, very smart, brilliant, rational but was known for a nonchalant and notorious behavior.
Amanda who had no luxury attached to her name was adopted by Mrs Bisi who owned a restaurant. It had always been Amanda’s dream to own one so she enjoyed her status as the daughter of a restraunt owner and aspired to become one when the time was right. For now she just had her academics to pour her all into. Amanda and Johnson became close friends as both went on to further their studies in Umunkpa University. Life went well as each day they discovered they wanted to spend the rest of their days after school with each other. Ikenna wasn’t the type who ate from hand to mouth. He grew to be an established business man who knew his way around profits. He had contemplated marrying Amanda was going to be what he needed most at such a phase in his life. He needed a woman to put his household together and he needed her urgently. Didn’t they say that one should make hay while the sun shine. Ikenna made his proposal to Amanda who had just lost her foster parent and had the future of the restraunt resting on her shoulders. She had suitors stalking her every minute of the day. There was a pressure to settle down. Didn’t they say every second of a woman’s life counted and as such had to be careful with spouses or else prepare to become her father’s wife. Ikenna seemed the right man but there was a problem, He wasn’t going to let her shoulder the restaurant which had always been her dream.

Amanda torned between both worlds wondered which she should forfeit for the other. Was she going to forsake her age long love just to shoulder a business? If she did, would there be one willing to love her the way Ikenna did? On the other hand getting married to Ikenna would only mean dropping her age long passion. It would mean letting go of the only thing she wanted to do with every fibre in her body all in the name of marriage.
At the end of the day they got married. She settled for marriage. They started out well. All seemed well and went well not until things started shaking. Contracts ceased. The future now looked dim. Someone may have placed a light at the end of the tunnel but how sure were they the light hadn’t gone off. Life became a struggle and telled on Amanda who was now a sit at home wife. Ikenna became a time bomb waiting to explode every minute he set his eyes on his used to be loved wife, his can’t do without. He now compared her to Mr Ogadinma’s wife. “She’s the one footing the family’s bills, was it not yesterday that she just paid off a land fee. she holds everything together and doesn’t let the world a glimpse to her husband’s nakedness. But you what do you know, nothing”! He would always say to Amanda. To him she had just become a liability a good for nothing wife.
This situation crowded Amanda’s every moment with regrets. Had she gone on to pursue shouldering her beloved restaurant perhaps she would be better than what she looked like if she had not done it all in the name of marriage. Who would see her back in the stuff she would be made of. She now stood at a crossroad, should she leave the marriage to pursue her long lost dream or remain in the marriage and stomach all that would come with a life not worth living?
Why am I telling this story?

We need to understand that we are unique and that there is a PURPOSE to our living, and that purpose should be our driving force as we live our lives on earth. I studied and noticed that ladies that live their life anyhow are more prone to making wrong choices in life than those that their reasons for existence are already defined.
As a lady it is wrong for you to live your life based on how people think you should live it, your life is your responsibility, and the beautiful part of it is that there is a light in you that is meant to guide into becoming the Woman you are made to be. Say no to living a purposeless life and embrace living a purposeful life.

Life is full of ups and downs it takes a life with direction to scale through them easily.
Nothing should be able to push you out of your passion or dreams.There is nothing that is worth giving up your dreams and passion for. Severally I have seen ladies give up on their dreams just because they want to get married, My dear, you are destined for something great, don't allow whatsoever to tamper with what God has put in you and what he has destined you to do.
Don't allow anyone to put off the light burning in you,and don't expect everyone to understand you,cos they don't see that light that makes you do the things you do, you are the only one seeing that light in you, follow that light regardless.
I have heard and seen several ladies that gave up on their dreams just because of marriage,none of them was fulfilled in that marriage. Nothing is worth your future,your dreams,God's plan for you,not even marriage. If that marriage is going to tamper with what God is showing you, what your passion is driving you to do, what you want your future to look like,then don't go into it. You are destined for greatness,you are the only one that can limit yourself. Follow that light in you regardless.

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